Plan Details | Emergency Injury & Illness Plan (EI&I) | International Health Plan (IHP) | |
1 | The Policy : How long is my policy - and what are my payment options? | up to 12 months - you can subscribe and pay monthly (min 28 days) and lock in terms and conditions for 12 months of continuous coverage - or you can buy a shorter defined term and pay once at the start | The policy has a set term of 12 months. You can you can pay premium monthly |
2 | Geographic : Where can I go with this policy? | Worldwide (supplemental pricing for treatment in USA, Hong Kong, Singapore) | Worldwide (supplemental pricing for treatment in USA, Hong Kong, Singapore) |
3 | Policy Limit: What is the overall & the per Claim (injury / Illness) Annual Maximum Limit? | US$500,000 | US$2,000,000 |
4 | Deductible : When I make a claim, what deductible do I have to pay out of my pocket? | You pay the first US$250 of claims ( a single claim or an accumulation of claims) up to a 12 month period of continuous coverage - or for a shorter defined length of the policy as you choose. | There is no deductible |
5 | Age : What is the maximum age I can be to GetWanderlust? | 59 - but you can email us and we may be able to offer you coverage | 69 - but you can email us and we may be able to offer you coverage |
6 | Co-insurance: When I make a claim, what part of the costs (after the deductible) do I have to pay out of my pocket? | You are 100% covered worldwide. You are covered 90% for treatments in the US within our US network (so you pay 10%) You are 70% covered in the US outside of our US network (so you pay 30%) | You are 100% covered worldwide. You are covered 90% for treatments in the US within our US network (so you pay 10%) You are 70% covered in the US outside of our US network (so you pay 30%) |
7 | Life Interruption : What if I have suffer an Injury or become really unwell and need treatment - I then want to return to my home country in order to recover? | Yes: Unusual for a Health / Medical insurance plan, we will pay for your flight home so you can be treated and recover "at home" . Up to $5,000 | Yes: Unusual for a Health / Medical insurance plan, we will pay for your flight home so you can be treated and recover "at home" . Up to $10,000 |
8 | Family | Yes: Up to 2 children under 10 are covered completely free for each 1 policy issued. | Yes: We have lower rates for children (under 19) |
9 | Hospital | Yes : Standard Private Room | Yes : Standard Private Room |
10 | ICU | Yes : 100% to Policy Limit | Yes : 100% to Policy Limit |
11 | Surgeon, Assistant Surgeon, Anaesthesiologist, Doctors & Nurses, Prescription Medication: inpatient | Yes : 100% to Policy Limit | Yes : 100% to Policy Limit |
12 | Day Patient / Outpatient Surgery | Yes : 100% to Policy Limit | Yes : 100% to Policy Limit |
13 | Outpatient Coverage | Yes : 100% to Policy Limit | Yes : 100% to Policy Limit |
14 | Outpatient Diagnostic Test Services | Yes : 100% to Policy Limit | Yes : 100% to Policy Limit |
15 | Emergency Ambulance (Ground & Air) | Yes : 100% to Policy Limit | Yes : 100% to Policy Limit |
16 | Evacuation of Mortal Remains | Yes : up to $15,000 | Yes : up to $100,000 |
17 | Repatriation Companion (for minors) | Yes : one companion, economy class return ticket | Yes : one companion, economy class return ticket |
18 | Acute Onset Pre- Existing Conditions | Yes : up to $5,000 | Yes : up to $25,000 |
19 | Pre Existing Conditions | No | No : We may be able to offer coverage by emailing us with details for us to review. |
20 | Hospital Cash Benefits | No | Yes : up to $150 per night to a maximum of 30 days |
21 | Inpatient Psychiatric | No | Yes : up to 30 days to a maximum overall limit of $5,000 |
22 | Outpatient Psychiatric | No | Yes : to a maximum of 10 visits |
23 | Health Screening, Routine Medical Exam & Vaccination | No | Yes : up to a maximum of $500 |
24 | Durable Medical Equipment | Yes : up to $500 limit per medical condition within 6 months of an eligible medical condition, inpatient & outpatient | Yes : up to $1,500 limit per medical condition within 6 months of an eligible medical condition, inpatient & outpatient |
25 | Cancer / Neoplasm | No | Yes : 100% to Policy Limit |
26 | Recon Nasal / Septum Deformity | No | Yes : 100% to Policy Limit |
27 | Sleep Disorders | No | Yes : 100% to Policy Limit |
28 | HIV | No | Yes : 100% to Policy Limit |
29 | Orthopedic Device | No | Yes : 100% to Policy Limit |
30 | Speech Disorders | No | Yes : 100% to Policy Limit |
31 | Congenital Disorders | No | Yes : up to a maximum of US$25,000 |
32 | Organ Transplant | No | Yes : up to 100% Policy Limit, subject to a maximum of $50,000 for medical expenses related to live doner |
33 | Nurse Care at Home | Yes : up to 30 days to a maximum overall limit of $5,000 | Yes : up to 60 days to a maximum overall limit of $10,000 |
34 | Terminal Illness / Palliative care | No | Yes : up to 180 Days to a maximum limit of $50,000 |
35 | Adult Companion (for under 18 patient) | No | Yes : 100% to Policy Limit |
36 | Emergency Dental | Yes : up to $1,000 for a covered accident | Yes : 100% to Policy Limit |
37 | Rehab / Specialist Treatment | Yes : up to a maximum of $100 per day up to 30 days | Yes : up to $500,000 to a maximum of 30 days |
38 | Dental | No | Yes : dental coverage for routine care such as check-ups, fillings, etc., or more complex care like repairing or receiving new crowns, dentures, or inlays - subject to a 9 month waiting period with maximum coverage of $1,000. |
39 | Vision | No | Yes : eye exams, standard lens enhancement, and contact lenses once every 12 months; eyeglasses once every 24 months to a maximum of $500 |
40 | Physical Therapy | Yes : up to $3,000 to a maximum of 10 visits within 90 days of a covered event | Yes : up to Policy Limit to a maximum of 10 visits within 90 days of a covered event |
41 | Complimentary Therapy | No | Yes : up to US$60 per visit to a maximum of 10 visits |
I’m involved in a start-up online shop, specializing in indigenous craft and clothing. I’m going to travel around Central & South America to immerse myself in different indigenous cultures and to source materials. I might be gone for 6 months, but who knows, I might like it! | Our EI&I plan is designed for you. You are covered wherever you go and you pay monthly. If you eventually decide to settle long term / indefinitely, you may want to convert to our IHP plan. For the days you travel, you might want to buy a travel pack to cover you for trip delays and loss baggage for example. |
Me and my friend just finished Uni and are planning on backpacking though Asia for 3 months. My parents want me to have cover if we get ill or injured – and will pay for it. | Our EI&I provides the medical insurance you need, wherever you go. You can buy the plan and pay for the full duration of your trip so you don’t need to worry about a thing. For the days you travel, you might want to buy a travel pack to cover you for trip delays and loss baggage for example. |
I work remotely for my US employer. I live in Bermuda under a digital nomad visa. My employer gives me some medical coverages, but I’m terrified that my 12 year old son has an accident and has to go to hospital for treatments, the costs would wipe me out. I’m on a tight budget | Buy our EI&I plan for your son. Monthly premiums are low and your rate is locked in for 12 months (as long as you buy continuously). If your son has an accident and needs to go to hospital, he’ll be fully covered, and he won’t need to be sent back to the US. Check your own Health coverage, you may want to buy it for yourself too.
My spouse / partner has been offered a job in Dubai. The employer is obliged to give provide health insurance, but not for me. I am require however to have health coverage if I want to stay in Dubai. | To stay in Dubai over 30 days you will need a visa. Wanderlust plans are available and are compliant with the Dubai Health Authority (DHA) and can be purchased through our appointed local insurance partners by clicking this link. Our IHP plan will provide you and your family with the cover you need for every eventuality, including chronic illnesses like cancer, but if you're on a tight budget, our EI&I plan is also DHA compliant and will provide you the basic coverage you need. |
I am working in Mexico with my family, we buy private medical insurance as expatriates. I want access to US Healthcare, but my options are limited (many insurers don’t include this). My insurance premiums are very high even though we have no pre-existing conditions. | Our IPH plan is the best choice for you and your family members. Our pricing is as good as it gets, and you can choose to include access to US healthcare. |
Like wanderlust, my company is digital. Our online employees and contractors are based in loads of different locations around the world. We were thinking that your EI&IP would be a good option for most of our people rather than buying a traditional health plan, which are far more expensive. I see your competitors don’t offer a plan like EI&I so we really like that part. However, our founders and /or senior stakeholders should have a more traditional plan, like your IHP. I’ve priced each of our people on your website and see it works well and your pricing on an individual basis is the best, but can you offer a group (company) discount? | The answer is YES. We expect you’d have already priced your “group” plan as individuals on our site. Just send us an e-mail, all you need to do is tell us the home country, age and if you need to access coverage in the US, Hong Kong & Singapore and finally which cover applies to each member of the group – and we’ll come up with group discount. It makes a lot of sense to start new or temporary employees with our EI&I plan, its very affordable and can allow you to offer this benefit as a competitive edge for your business. We do not believe you will find a better value plan than our IHP for your core group. |
The insurance described in this document provides limited benefits. Limited benefits plans are insurance products with reduced benefits intended to supplement comprehensive health insurance plans. This insurance is not an alternative to comprehensive coverage. It does not provide major medical or comprehensive medical coverage and is not designed to replace major medical insurance. Further, this insurance is not minimum essential benefits as set forth under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
By purchasing this insurance provided by Crum & Forster SPC, under the jurisdiction of the Cayman Islands, you become a member of the Fairmont Specialty Trust.
Insurance benefits are underwritten Crum & Forster, SPC. C&F and Crum & Forster are registered trademarks Crum & Forster, SPC. The Crum & Forster group of companies is rated A (Excellent) by AM Best Company 2023.
Notice: For further information on this Plan, visit Please keep this summary as a brief description of the important features of the plan. It is not a contract of insurance. This plan includes both insurance and non-insurance benefits. The terms and conditions of coverage are set forth in the Plan issued to policyholder. For a detailed plan description, exclusions, and limitations please view the plan on file with your administrator. The Policy contains a complete description of all of the terms, conditions, and exclusions of the insurance plan as underwritten by Crum & Forster, SPC. The Policy will prevail in the event of any discrepancy between this website and the Policy.
Please click here for important notices regarding your insurance coverage provided by Crum & Forster, SPC