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Best Price Guarantee

Emergency Injury & Illness Plan (EI&I)

  • EI&I starting at $27.68 per month / $70.87 per month (including treatment in the US/ Hong Kong & Singapore)
  • Plan Limit: $500,000
  • Plan Duration: 28 day Minimum, up to 12 month Maximum.
  • Pay monthly if you subscribe to an 12 month plan or pay in advance for a short term plan (from 28 days)
  • You pay the first $250 of accumulated claims while you have the plan, up to 12 months, with zero deductible after that.
  • Locked in pricing while you have continuous coverage, for up to 12 months, even if you have a claim during that time.
  • Worldwide Coverage.
  • Pre-Existing conditions are not covered.

International Health Plan (IHP)

  • IHP starting at $187.98 per month / $462.03 per month (including treatment in the US/ Hong Kong & Singapore)
  • Plan Limit $2,000,000
  • Plan Duration: 12 months
  • Zero deductible
  • Pay Monthly
  • Locked in pricing while you have the plan (up to 12 months), even if you have a claim during that time.
  • Worldwide Coverage
  • Pre-Existing conditions not covered.
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