What sets Wanderlust apart from the rest? We understand where you’re coming from. Already overseas? No need to come home - we’ll start your coverage from wherever you are. And if you do come home, we’ll cover you while you’re there for up to 30 days.
Plan it anywhere on the planet. Congratulations! You’ve made your travel arrangements and found Wanderlust. Buy your health plan now or when you get there.
We’re all about choices. Select the plan that is the best fit for you and your individual needs. Which plan is right for me?
We make payments easy- breezy. With optional automated monthly payments ,you get the security of knowing if you get sick or injured, you’ll be covered without having to do a thing.
If you become ill or sustain an injury and have to be admitted to the hospital for treatment; simple contact Wanderlust via the app and we’ll take care of everything while you take care of you.
Both are Global Healthcare plans, EI&I has a plan limit of $500,000, IHP limit is $2,000,000. However, IHP provides coverage for chronic conditions, notably cancer whereas EI&I does not.Please refer to What’s covered? for both plans to compare specific details of coverages and /or the plan wordings.