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Dr. The Hon. Linford A. Pierson OBE

Dr. The Hon. Linford A. Pierson OBE, JP, PhD, MAPPC, FCCA

Chairman of the Board
  • 16 Years of Experience
  • 07 Cabinet Minister
  • 47 President ofthe Rotary Club


Dr. Pierson worked for 16 years in the Cayman Islands Civil Service (1963-1979), where he filled a number of senior positions, including Principal Secretary (now Chief Officer) for Health, Education, and Social Services, and Deputy Financial Secretary (acting as Financial Secretary on several occasions). During the 1980s he was employed in various private sector positions, including Director of Finance for Cayman Airways, local Partner of KPMG/Thorne Riddell (the then Canadian Chartered Accounting Firm), and he held Directorships in a number of private companies.


Dr. Pierson represented the District of George Town for 16 plus years (1984-1988; 1988-1992; 1996-2000; 2000-2005) as an elected Member of the Legislative Assembly. During his political career he filled the position of Cabinet Minister for seven years. In his first term as a Minister (1988-1992), he was responsible for a number of utilities, including: The Water Authority; Cayman Water Company; Electricity Regulatory Authority; Petroleum and Fuel supply stakeholders; Information and Communication Technology Authority—he was the founding Minister for this Authority. He was also responsible for Public Health Department; Public Works Department (now National Roads Authority) among his other ministerial responsibilities. Dr. Pierson also completed a number of important projects, including the Cayman Islands Building Code, upgrade of the telecommunications system to accommodate the 911 system within the Cayman Islands, installation of the Bulk Storage Fuel Terminal in Cayman Brac, and establishment of the first Public Water Supply System in Cayman Brac.

In his second term as a Cabinet Minister (2000-2003), among the number of projects which he spearheaded, Dr. Pierson successfully negotiated the liberalization of the telecommunications sector, which had hitherto been monopolized by the single telecommunications company (Cable & Wireless). In 2003 Dr. Pierson was elected as Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, and served in that position until his retirement from active politics in March, 2005. In addition to his combined public service, which spanned approximately 33 years (16 years in the Civil Service, and 16 plus years as a political representative), he assisted in a number of Civic/Community Services. As a Rotarian for 47 years (1968-2015), Dr. Pierson served as President of the Rotary Club of Grand Cayman Central (1988/1989), and Assistant Governor in District 7020 of Rotary International (2004/2005).


Dr. Pierson was appointed as the first Chairman of the Board of Directors of OfReg in January 2017 for a three-year term, and was re-appointed for a further three-year term in January 2020. He leads the Board of OfReg in their commitment to attain regulatory excellence, and to ensure safe, reliable, economic public utilities to businesses and the people of the Cayman Islands. In his Foreword to OfReg’s first Annual Report for 2017, he stated that “initial success would not have been achieved without the dedication, attention to duty and the tenacity of the Executive team led by the Chief Executive Officer, Mr. J. Paul Morgan” (of blessed memory).


Master of Arts St. Stephen’s College, Canada
PhD in Educational Psychology Walden University, USA

His dissertation for his PhD is entitled: Working Memory Training to Improve SchoolPreparedness of Children with AttentionDeficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), published by Proquest Dissertation Publishing—UMI Publication Number 350857.

In 2014 Dr. Pierson was appointed by the Ministry of Education, Employment & Gender Affairs to serve as a Member of the Board of Governors of the University College of the Cayman Islands (UCCI). He was later appointed as the Deputy Chair of the Board.

In December 2019 Dr. Pierson was elected by the Executive Committee of the Cayman Islands Conference of Seventh-day Adventists to represent the Conference on the Board of Governors of Northern Caribbean University (NCU—his alma mater) in Mandeville, Jamaica.

In 2001 Dr. Pierson was appointed by Her Majesty the Queen as an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE). In 2002 Government honoured Dr. Pierson by naming the “Linford Pierson Highway” after him, in recognition of his accomplishments as Minister with responsibility for road works. He has been a Justice of the Peace since 1977, and a Notary Public since 1983. In 2012 Cabinet bestowed on former Premiers, Leaders of Government Business, and Speakers of the Legislative Assembly the right to retain the title of Honourable (Hon.) in perpetuity. As a former Speaker of the Legislative Assembly/Parliament, Dr. Pierson has had this honour bestowed upon him. On National Heroes Day held in January 2018, Dr. Pierson was honoured by the Cayman Islands Government with the Long Service Award as a Pioneer in Sports.


In January 2019 Dr. Pierson pursued intense training at the 45th Public Utility Research Center (PURC) World Bank International Training Program on Utility Regulation and Strategy which was held at the University of Florida, in Gainesville, Florida, U.S.A. During the PURC program, Dr. Pierson obtained certification from the Association of PublicManagement Group (“AMPG”) UK, becoming an APMG Certified ‘Public-Private-Partnership’ (CP3P®) Professional.


Dr. Pierson is married to Sharon, an Attorney-at-Law, and has three children, two step children, eight grandchildren, and three great grandchildren.

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