
On 20th December 2016, the Information and Communications Technology Authority (‘ICTA’) commenced the Pole Attachment Industry Working Group (the ‘Industry Working Group’) - to address various issues related to the installing and maintaining of attachments of communication cables to the electricity poles owned by Caribbean Utilities Company, Ltd. (‘CUC’).

OfReg Letter to Licensees re: Re-launch of Consultation 2016-2:

Licensee Responses on Final Position Papers of other Licensees:

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@php } else { @endphp @php } @endphp

OfReg Letter to Licensees re: Next Steps

Draft of the Master Pole Joint Use Agreement

Final Position Papers by Licensees at the conclusion of the Pole Attachment Industry Working Group

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@php } else { @endphp @php } @endphp

December 2016 Working Group Commencement Notice

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@php } else { @endphp @php } @endphp