
Although the Information & Communications Technology Law makes no distiction between sound or television broadcasting and other types of ICT Networks and Services, OfReg (or the 'Office') recognises that, at the present time, a number of practical differences remain. For example, when applying for a licence, the information required of broadcasters includes data on programming format and their target audience. This information is not appropriate to telephony network and service providers, but the latter do have to provide additional information on their planned networks. Accordingly, different application forms have been designed for broadcasters, and these are available in this section of our site.

From a policy and regulatory perspective, however, all ICT Licensees are treated identically. The exception is that Cable & Wireless (Cayman Islands) Ltd, as the incumbent telephony provider, is subject to the more stringent regulatory requirements that are defined in Annex 5 of its licence.

Details of all licence applications, licences issued, and interconnection agreements are available in the appropriate on-line registers.

As the ICT market develops, the Office conducts frequent public consultations on matters of policy, procedures and other matters of interest to licensees. All stakeholders are strongly encouraged to actively monitor, and participate in, these proceedings.

Finally, other publications of interest, including applicable Laws, Regulations, OfReg Decisions and Guidelines, Gazette Notices and Consumer Advice Phamphlets, are available for viewing and download in the Publications section of this site.