White Default Color | |||||||||
White 50 |
White 100 |
White 200 |
White 300 |
White 400 |
White 500 |
White 600 |
White 700 |
White 800 |
White 900 |
n-bgc-white-50 |
n-bgc-white-100 |
n-bgc-white-200 |
n-bgc-white-300 |
n-bgc-white-400 |
n-bgc-white-500 |
n-bgc-white-600 |
n-bgc-white-700 |
n-bgc-white-800 |
n-bgc-white-900 |
Black Default Color | |||||||||
Black 50 |
Black 100 |
Black 200 |
Black 300 |
Black 400 |
Black 500 |
Black 600 |
Black 700 |
Black 800 |
Black 900 |
n-bgc-black-50 |
n-bgc-black-100 |
n-bgc-black-200 |
n-bgc-black-300 |
n-bgc-black-400 |
n-bgc-black-500 |
n-bgc-black-600 |
n-bgc-black-700 |
n-bgc-black-800 |
n-bgc-black-900 |
Light Default Color | |||||||||
Light 50 |
Light 100 |
Light 200 |
Light 300 |
Light 400 |
Light 500 |
Light 600 |
Light 700 |
Light 800 |
Light 900 |
n-bgc-light-50 |
n-bgc-light-100 |
n-bgc-light-200 |
n-bgc-light-300 |
n-bgc-light-400 |
n-bgc-light-500 |
n-bgc-light-600 |
n-bgc-light-700 |
n-bgc-light-800 |
n-bgc-light-900 |
Grey Default Color | |||||||||
Grey 50 |
Grey 100 |
Grey 200 |
Grey 300 |
Grey 400 |
Grey 500 |
Grey 600 |
Grey 700 |
Grey 800 |
Grey 900 |
n-bgc-grey-50 |
n-bgc-grey-100 |
n-bgc-grey-200 |
n-bgc-grey-300 |
n-bgc-grey-400 |
n-bgc-grey-500 |
n-bgc-grey-600 |
n-bgc-grey-700 |
n-bgc-grey-800 |
n-bgc-grey-900 |
Dark Default Color | |||||||||
Dark 50 |
Dark 100 |
Dark 200 |
Dark 300 |
Dark 400 |
Dark 500 |
Dark 600 |
Dark 700 |
Dark 800 |
Dark 900 |
n-bgc-dark-50 |
n-bgc-dark-100 |
n-bgc-dark-200 |
n-bgc-dark-300 |
n-bgc-dark-400 |
n-bgc-dark-500 |
n-bgc-dark-600 |
n-bgc-dark-700 |
n-bgc-dark-800 |
n-bgc-dark-900 |
A Color | |||||||||
A 50 |
A 100 |
A 200 |
A 300 |
A 400 |
A 500 |
A 600 |
A 700 |
A 800 |
A 900 |
n-bgc-a-50 |
n-bgc-a-100 |
n-bgc-a-200 |
n-bgc-a-300 |
n-bgc-a-400 |
n-bgc-a-500 |
n-bgc-a-600 |
n-bgc-a-700 |
n-bgc-a-800 |
n-bgc-a-900 |
B Color | |||||||||
B 50 |
B 100 |
B 200 |
B 300 |
B 400 |
B 500 |
B 600 |
B 700 |
B 800 |
B 900 |
n-bgc-b-50 |
n-bgc-b-100 |
n-bgc-b-200 |
n-bgc-b-300 |
n-bgc-b-400 |
n-bgc-b-500 |
n-bgc-b-600 |
n-bgc-b-700 |
n-bgc-b-800 |
n-bgc-b-900 |
C Color | |||||||||
C 50 |
C 100 |
C 200 |
C 300 |
C 400 |
C 500 |
C 600 |
C 700 |
C 800 |
C 900 |
n-bgc-c-50 |
n-bgc-c-100 |
n-bgc-c-200 |
n-bgc-c-300 |
n-bgc-c-400 |
n-bgc-c-500 |
n-bgc-c-600 |
n-bgc-c-700 |
n-bgc-c-800 |
n-bgc-c-900 |
Error Default Color | |||||||||
Error 50 |
Error 100 |
Error 200 |
Error 300 |
Error 400 |
Error 500 |
Error 600 |
Error 700 |
Error 800 |
Error 900 |
n-bgc-error-50 |
n-bgc-error-100 |
n-bgc-error-200 |
n-bgc-error-300 |
n-bgc-error-400 |
n-bgc-error-500 |
n-bgc-error-600 |
n-bgc-error-700 |
n-bgc-error-800 |
n-bgc-error-900 |
Warning Default Color | |||||||||
Warning 50 |
Warning 100 |
Warning 200 |
Warning 300 |
Warning 400 |
Warning 500 |
Warning 600 |
Warning 700 |
Warning 800 |
Warning 900 |
n-bgc-warning-50 |
n-bgc-warning-100 |
n-bgc-warning-200 |
n-bgc-warning-300 |
n-bgc-warning-400 |
n-bgc-warning-500 |
n-bgc-warning-600 |
n-bgc-warning-700 |
n-bgc-warning-800 |
n-bgc-warning-900 |
Success Default Color | |||||||||
Success 50 |
Success 100 |
Success 200 |
Success 300 |
Success 400 |
Success 500 |
Success 600 |
Success 700 |
Success 800 |
Success 900 |
n-bgc-success-50 |
n-bgc-success-100 |
n-bgc-success-200 |
n-bgc-success-300 |
n-bgc-success-400 |
n-bgc-success-500 |
n-bgc-success-600 |
n-bgc-success-700 |
n-bgc-success-800 |
n-bgc-success-900 |
Info Default Color | |||||||||
Info 50 |
Info 100 |
Info 200 |
Info 300 |
Info 400 |
Info 500 |
Info 600 |
Info 700 |
Info 800 |
Info 900 |
n-bgc-info-50 |
n-bgc-info-100 |
n-bgc-info-200 |
n-bgc-info-300 |
n-bgc-info-400 |
n-bgc-info-500 |
n-bgc-info-600 |
n-bgc-info-700 |
n-bgc-info-800 |
n-bgc-info-900 |
Class Name | Description | @extend Property |
n-bga-s |
Applies background-attachment: scroll; to element |
@extend .n-bga-s; |
n-bga-f |
Applies background-attachment: fixed; to element |
@extend .n-bga-f; |
n-bga-l |
Applies background-attachment: local; to element |
@extend .n-bga-l; |
n-bga-r |
Applies background-attachment: revert; to element |
@extend .n-bga-r; |
n-bga-ini |
Applies background-attachment: initial; to element |
@extend .n-bga-ini; |
n-bga-inh |
Applies background-attachment: inherit; to element |
@extend .n-bga-inh; |
n-bga-u |
Applies background-attachment: unset; to element |
@extend .n-bga-u; |
Class Name | Description | @extend Property |
n-bgp-t |
Applies background-position: top; to element |
@extend .n-bgp-t; |
n-bgp-r |
Applies background-position: right; to element |
@extend .n-bgp-r; |
n-bgp-b |
Applies background-position: bottom; to element |
@extend .n-bgp-b; |
n-bgp-l |
Applies background-position: left; to element |
@extend .n-bgp-l; |
n-bgp-lt |
Applies background-position: left top; to element |
@extend .n-bgp-lt; |
n-bgp-lc |
Applies background-position: left center; to element |
@extend .n-bgp-lc; |
n-bgp-lb |
Applies background-position: left bottom; to element |
@extend .n-bgp-lb; |
n-bgp-rt |
Applies background-position: right top; to element |
@extend .n-bgp-rt; |
n-bgp-rc |
Applies background-position: right center; to element |
@extend .n-bgp-rc; |
n-bgp-rb |
Applies background-position: right bottom; to element |
@extend .n-bgp-rb; |
n-bgp-ct |
Applies background-position: center top; to element |
@extend .n-bgp-ct; |
n-bgp-cc |
Applies background-position: center center; to element |
@extend .n-bgp-cc; |
n-bgp-cb |
Applies background-position: center bottom; to element |
@extend .n-bgp-cb; |
n-bgp-inherit |
Applies background-position: inherit; to element |
@extend .n-bgp-inherit; |
n-bgp-initial |
Applies background-position: initial; to element |
@extend .n-bgp-initial; |
n-bgp-unset |
Applies background-position: unset; to element |
@extend .n-bgp-unset; |
Class Name | Description | @extend Property |
n-bgr-repeat |
Applies background-repeat: repeat; to element |
@extend .n-bgr-repeat; |
n-bgr-repeat-x |
Applies background-repeat: repeat-x; to element |
@extend .n-bgr-repeat-x; |
n-bgr-repeat-y |
Applies background-repeat: repeat-y; to element |
@extend .n-bgr-repeat-y; |
n-bgr-no-repeat |
Applies background-repeat: no-repeat; to element |
@extend .n-bgr-no-repeat; |
n-bgr-space |
Applies background-repeat: space; to element |
@extend .n-bgr-space; |
n-bgr-round |
Applies background-repeat: round; to element |
@extend .n-bgr-round; |
n-bgr-initial |
Applies background-repeat: initial; to element |
@extend .n-bgr-initial; |
Class Name | Description | @extend Property |
n-bgs-a |
Applies background-size: auto; to element |
@extend .n-bgs-a; |
n-bgs-cov |
Applies background-size: cover; to element |
@extend .n-bgs-cov; |
n-bgs-con |
Applies background-size: contain; to element |
@extend .n-bgs-con; |
n-bgs-ini |
Applies background-size: initial; to element |
@extend .n-bgs-ini; |
n-bgs-inh |
Applies background-size: inherit; to element |
@extend .n-bgs-inh; |
n-bgs-u |
Applies background-size: unset; to element |
@extend .n-bgs-u; |
n-bgs-100 |
Applies background-size: 100%; to element |
@extend .n-bgs-100; |