@if(!Request::ajax()) @extends('layouts.app') @section('content') @include('layouts.inner_banner') @endif @if(isset($PassPropage) && $PassPropage == 'PP' && $isContent) {{-- Year Filter horizontal scrolling // START --}}
Sort by Years
{{-- Year Filter horizontal scrolling // END --}}
@if(isset($letestNews->dtDateTime) && $letestNews->dtDateTime != '') {{ date('M',strtotime($letestNews->dtDateTime)) }} {{ date('d',strtotime($letestNews->dtDateTime)) }}, {{ date('Y',strtotime($letestNews->dtDateTime)) }} @endif

{{ $letestNews->varTitle }}

{{ $letestNews->varShortDescription }}

@include('partial.passwordProtected', ['Pageid' => $Pageid, 'tablename' => $tablename])
@else {{-- Content Start --}}
{{-- Year Filter horizontal scrolling // START --}}
Sort by Years
    @php $yearsArr = array_combine(range(date("Y"), 2019), range(date("Y"), 2019)); @endphp @php $i = "1"; @endphp @foreach($yearsArr as $key => $value) @if($i == 1 || $i == 2) @php $checked = "checked"; @endphp @else @php $checked = ""; @endphp @endif
  • @php $i++ @endphp @endforeach
{{-- Year Filter horizontal scrolling // END --}}
@if(isset($PAGE_CONTENT['response']) && !empty($PAGE_CONTENT['response']) && $PAGE_CONTENT['response'] != '[]') @php echo $PAGE_CONTENT['response']; @endphp @else
No data found
Please reset filter to see the data.
@endif @php $val = json_decode($pageContent->txtDescription); if(!empty($val)){ foreach ($val as $key => $limitval) { if ($limitval->type == 'news_template') { $lim = $limitval->val->limit; } } if(isset($lim) && !empty($lim)){ $limit = $lim; }else{ $limit = '12'; } } else { $limit = ''; } @endphp @if(!Request::ajax()) @endsection @endif